Wednesday 18 June 2014

Revealing Rosemary

Hair and Makeup by Kada Bombay Beauty Loft. Styling by Chantal Studio Intent Boutique

Who did I think of when I met Rosemary? Julie Andrews. Being a wonderful humble lady, Rosemary finds my remark funny. But I'm not alone on this. She definitely evokes the lovely actress; not because of her appearance but because of how her personality is. She is one of those people you just want to sit with, let her do all the talking (though she's more interested in listening to you) and let yourself be captured by the beauty of her elegant and fluid movements, the way she talks and her beautiful warm smile. Every time I think of her, I picture her with a warm yellow light coming from her; the kind of light you want to be in all the time (have I mentioned before that I remember people with coloured light?) even if you're not talking but just being in her presence.

Her husband's words describe her perfectly:

"Rosemary is elegant - Audrey Hepburn elegant -  with farm girl in the mix. Unique style.  She is honest,  fiercely intelligent and literate".

She also happens to be an amazing poet. Being a book geek myself, of course I had to read her book "YES". I took it out of the library and couldn't put it down. to the point that I bought it right after I finished it and asked her to sign it.

She IS an amazing poet with a long list of national awards up her sleeve. Her poems are so beautiful and inspiring that woke up in me the dormant writer that has been in hibernation for more than a decade. The simplicity and beauty of her verses reminded me why I love writing. You can see and feel her personality in the words she writes.

To simply put it, Rosemary is beauty.

To finish, here are Rosemary's words about her True Beauty Experience:

"I can't tell you how honoured I felt to be a part of it. 
Fela, your photos are amazing. I have never thought of myself as photogenic, but you somehow achieved that... I will always treasure the memory of the reveal event".

Monday 2 June 2014

7 Reason To Get A Reveal Your True Beauty Session

Contrary to the popular belief, a Reveal Your True Beauty session is not aimed only at women with low self esteem. It does have indeed a higher impact for them but you'll be surprise to see that you might fit the criteria to have your own session too.

I love how Katie, one of my clients, wrote it on her review:

"... As people we often spend all our time putting our energy into our families or spend too much time working -that we don't get the opportunity to spend a selfless hour on ourselves to create a beautiful product. 
The photos of myself are a reminder of how beautiful I think I am but forget quickly. 
They are a reminder of what other people see everyday, but I don't.
I hope everyone can take the time to invest in an experience of such as this. Because then you too will be reminded of how truly amazing you always where. "

The Reveal Your True Beauty experience is not a makeover but rather the much needed spark to love and embrace who you are.
To know more in detail what is about, click here.

So if you had skipped through it because "it's not for me" or had doubts about doing it or not, check the list below. If 3 or more apply to you, then yes, the Reveal Your True Beauty Session is for you:

1. You are a woman of any age. From teenagers to seniors we go through different stages of self criticism. From not "pretty enough" to not "young enough". We all do it!

2. "I'm a busy mom". How many times you find yourself thinking "I need to wash off the mommy look for a couple of hours to feel Me or feel sexy?" I have found myself overdressing when I go out with my friends because I need a break from the mommy look to remind myself that above being a mom, I'm still Me. Moms will relate ;)

3. "I'm a workaholic". You love working, we get it. I love what I do too (you can confirm this every time I jump up and down with excitement during a photo shoot), but as workaholics we need "boundaries" (read from Harvard Business Review blog: "Happy Workaholics Need Boundaries") is very important and healthy! We need time to spend with family and friends but also to rediscover ourselves which is the first thing we put aside when duty calls. 

4. Have found comparing yourself to models on magazines or criticizing your body because it doesn't look certain way (and that includes wishing your hair was curly... or straight... or wavy... or just not how you wish it were). We should make the outside beauty match the inside beauty; not the other way around.

5. "I'm not photogenic". Apart from this belief feeling true to must of us, I believe it is also a defense mechanism against the feeling of intimidation or awkwardness we get from being in front of a camera. As a photographer I find highly important to put these feelings at ease for the simple reason that I cannot photograph your true beauty if you won't show it to me and that will happen only if you trust me; I'll guide you safely through it all, no need to fear. 

6. "I don't know what to do in front of the camera". You don't need to know. None of the ladies I have photographed knew how to pose. And in case you're doubting, it's not as hard as you think. It's not your job to know this but mine, the photographer. I've heard so many times from so many people having experiences with photographers who take the "pose and look pretty" approach to photographing people. I cannot understand how a photographer thinks they'll take good photos of this kind without engaging and guiding the subject with patience and gentleness. 

7. "It's a waste of time". Now, if you believe this, you HAVE to do it. Seriously. Believing it's a waste of time on YOU is believing you are not worth anybody's time, not even your own and this is serious talk here. If you don't think you're pretty enough or skillful enough to be photographed or you feel embarrassed by the way you look, if you think you're not  sexy or feminine enough, you NEED this session. These are lies that you have to stop believing because they're not making you grow as a person but rather killing your potential. And in case you doubt you have potential, YES, YOU DO. We all do. God made each one of us wonderful and filled with different gifts that make us unique. I experienced ALL these feelings long ago so I understand where you're coming from (read "The Ugly Betty Story And Why I Want To Show Your True Beauty To The World"). Believe me, you can change that; just take the first step. 

Meditate on this:

"She didn't have to be perfect because she was perfectly loved"
                         - Excerpt from "Perfectly Loved" by Holly Gerth

Now come and give yourself the chance to see it.